
Ultimately, we are problem solvers and inventors. Working with our clients and partners, we assemble extraordinary data and expertise, and then create new products, services and enterprises to drive growth in particular markets and places.

Market Analysis

Based on original research and cutting-edge models of neighborhood and regional economic growth, we create detailed assessments of industry, real estate, labor, neighborhood, regional and other markets. These analyses reflect a particular emphasis on how markets are being disrupted in the next economy, and so on identifying unique assets and market dynamics giving rise to new opportunities to drive economic growth.

Strategy Development

We help a wide range of clients - neighborhood groups, industry organizations, economic development practitioners, government agencies, foundations - design tailored and targeted strategies to seize next economy growth opportunities.

Program Design and Launch

In collaboration with clients, other practitioners and on-the-ground experts, we craft the programs that turn strategies into tangible outcomes and impacts, building from best practices and piloting groundbreaking models.

Enterprise Creation

When new organizations are necessary to effect change, we work with clients to do the legwork to form and launch those enterprises - business planning, stakeholder organizing, fundraising, incorporating and hiring - ranging from industry cluster organizations to neighborhood strategic retail development companies.

Capacity Building

We offer flexible training options to community development organizations and stakeholders, disseminating our expertise and experience on the most effective means for driving inclusive growth. Additionally, we provide technical assistance and tailored consulting to address communities’ unique growth challenges and opportunities.

We have honed our expertise.

Our leadership over decades of economic development provides sophisticated analytic tools, effective strategies and programs, foresight into emerging trends, and credibility and partnerships with other leading firms, stakeholders, practitioners, investors and thought leaders.